Common Good
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Have we lost our understanding of the Common Good? On my more cynical days, I say, “yes.” It feels like everyone is out for themselves. There is so much chatter about “personal freedoms” and impinging on “rights.” While these things are important, should they come at the expense of community health or even general decency? Not to mention that when we prioritize what’s best for our individual lives, it usually stands in contrast to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus is always calling us to seek the Common Good—that which benefits the whole and honors each life by its connection to every other life. During the month of August, we are seeking the Common Good. Each week in worship, we will explore the scriptural call to live in relationship. We’ll wrestle with how this spiritual truth often stands in tension with our culture. And we’ll set before us a significant goal to seek the common good in support of our partner schools. I assure you, this will be more than a recitation of clichés like “do good,” or “be kind.” The common good is often messy and requires sacrifice. It isn’t always comfortable. But it creates the “beloved community” that Jesus describes in the Kingdom of God. Join us online at 9 a.m. or 11 a.m. each Sunday as we worship God who is community—Three in One and we seek the way that gives life to all lives.

Lesley Andrews
Posted in General