Generosity Sunday – October 30
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One of the conditions of living in survival mode in the last few years has been our sense of scarcity. When the pandemic first started, we were overwhelmed with scarcity. We couldn’t get enough hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies. We needed masks and ventilators. Some foods were hard to get, like peanut butter and milk. And don’t forget how hard it was to get toilet paper. Some people lost jobs, and others had hours and pay cuts. Ongoing supply chain issues have continued our experience of scarcity. As vaccinations rolled out, there was a mad rush to get one. Inflation and a volatile market have intensified this feeling that we don’t have enough. This chronic experience of scarcity leaves us spiritually empty and diminishes our experience of life.
Here’s the kicker. The antidote to scarcity is not to acquire more. It’s to practice generosity. Being generous with anything–time, money, kindness, skills, strength–frees us from feeling like we don’t have enough. In fact, it reminds us that if we freely share what we have, we will all have enough. This fact shows up over and over in the Bible. Since our entire lives are a gift from God, practicing generosity is doing God’s work. Generosity is a spiritual practice that allows us to thrive and not just survive.
We’re trying to create a culture of generosity at FUMCLR. This means we want our first instinct to be how we can share ourselves and our resources so that all may have enough. We want people to experience the spiritual renewal that happens when we live like Christ, who gave everything for us. A culture of generosity means that instead of asking if we have enough time, we are quick to serve and volunteer. It’s using our gifts and skills to benefit the community. It’s being financially generous and working toward the Biblical concept of tithing. It’s looking around at what needs to be done and doing it rather than waiting for someone to ask. It’s about seeing our whole lives filled with abundance and sharing it.
Sunday, October 30, is Generosity Sunday. That whole day will be a celebration of all that we have and consider how we can share it with others. You’ll be asked to bring your commitment cards representing what you plan to give financially to FUMCLR in 2023. However, I hope you see the whole day as a way to break out of the scarcity survival mode and thrive through generosity. This week you should or will receive your commitment card in the mail. There is also information on that card about our church’s vision to move from surviving to thriving in God’s grace. I hope you will spend the next two weeks prayerfully considering how you can more fully embrace the spiritual practice of generosity.

Lesley Andrews
Posted in General