How Will the $1.9 million Be Spent?

$1,224,690 in Sanctuary Repairs – We will complete the stained-glass refurbishment project started in 2012 to repair the leading in the stained-glass and create protective panes and ventilation. The windows needing repair are the tall rectangular windows on each side of the north and south walls, and the windows in the stairwells. The project will include repairs to the wooden frames that hold the windows and prevent moisture intrusion of the sanctuary walls. There are also plaster and trim repairs needed. Another facet of this project is to encapsulate the crawl space under the Sanctuary to regulate temperature and airflow better, which will prevent burst pipes and the possible invasion of subterranean termites.

$281,000 for Chiller Replacement – We will install a new chiller climate control system to serve the entire church building. It will include new pipe and heat trace insulation. Our current chiller is over 25 years old, long past industry standards. Because of its age, we spend an average of $20,000 annually from operating funds on chiller maintenance and repairs.

$334,718 for Roof Replacement – We will replace the roofs on the 1951 and 1971 phases of the building. New quality roofs can better protect the building and be less susceptible to dramatic temperature changes that often create minor leaks. We can’t determine the exact age of our current roofs, but we estimate that they are at least 25 years old and could be as old as 50 years. We regularly spend several thousand dollars on minor repairs and temporary coatings to our existing roofs.

$46,000 for Carpet Replacement – We will provide new carpeting in the Sunday School wing and Main Office. The current carpet is quite worn and even with regular cleaning, shows a buildup of grime. In high traffic areas, the carpet has stretched creating a trip hazard. Replacing the carpet will not only make our building look better, but also make it safer.