September 13 - October 11: Dinner 5-6 pm, Sessions 6-7 pm
Our Wednesday night sessions were so popular last Lent we decided to offer a short series again! The Menus for each week will be posted as they are planned. Below is a list of the classes; click the link at the bottom to register.
Children: Music, Faith & Fun
2 and Under: The nursery will be open from 5:30-7 p.m. for all of our youngest disciples.
Ages 3-3rd Grade: God is at work in our lives and shows up in some amazing ways! What are the fruits of the spirit, and how can we find them? Let’s find out together in these Wednesday night gatherings as we create, play, and learn together!
Youth: The Gospel According to Mario
Grades 4th and Up are invited to come to the youth room as we learn more about Jesus from the world’s favorite video creator. Play different Mario games as grow in faith and just have fun together!
The Gospel According to Ted Lasso
This is a 5-week class exploring the spiritual and emotional truths of the hit show Ted Lasso. We'll watch clips, discuss themes, and Biblical concepts to help us live out our faith The Lasso Way.
The Enneagram Workshop
Have you ever wondered why you do the things you do or why others in your life respond to things the way they do? The Enneagram offers strategies for relating to self, others and the world. Each of the nine Enneagram types has a different way of thinking, feeling and acting that arises from a deeper motivation or way of seeing the world. Learning about these patterns fosters compassion and understanding for self and others.
Handbells 101
Come learn the ins and outs of ringing in a handbell ensemble in a low-stress, low-stakes environment! We’ll go over basic techniques and how to mark music to make it look less intimidating. Absolutely no expectation to play in worship, just a good time to learn!
Pop-Up Workshops
Do you like a little variety? Or don't want to commit to an entire 5 weeks? This is the session for you! As we get closer to the starting date, we will post a focus for each of the 5 weeks!