United Women of Faith Lunch & Program – September 11th
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On Sunday, September 11, UWF will have their lunch and meeting in the Fellowship Hall after the 11:00 am worship service.
The speaker will be Anna Beth Gorman who is the Democratic Nominee for Secretary of State. Anna Beth has a strong vision and plan for how to expand the office to ensure that all Arkansans can exercise their constitutional right to vote and that Arkansas is seen as a leader in economic and democratic equity. Anna Beth and her husband Colin are members of FUMC LR and call North Little Rock their home.
Also, in 2016 Anna Beth became Executive Director of the Women’s Foundation of Arkansas. In her current role as CEO she has led the organization through tremendous growth and expansion, while increasing the investment and impact on Arkansas Women and Girls economic mobility.
Please call the church office at 372-2256 or fill out the journey card in the bulletin to make a reservation for lunch so enough food will be prepared. Everyone is welcome to come!

Lesley Andrews
Posted in General