The Pantry on Wildcat Way Needs Funding!
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The Pantry, formerly known as Backpacks for Kids, is our weekend food ministry with our partner school Washington Elementary. The Pantry provides weekend food bags for all families at the school. That’s 340 students! Our team packs the bags at the school on Monday’s at 1:00pm. FUMCLR also financially supports The Pantry, and we need help. It costs $5.00/bag for 340 students. That’s $1,700 a week! Can you sponsor a student for a month? Can you sponsor 5 students for a month? You can donate to The Pantry by submitting your donation to the Church.
$5.00—one student/week
$20.00—one student/month
$100—5 students/month
Lesley Andrews
Posted in General