Omicron Update – January 2022
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Dear First Church, I have been praying for you and your families during this Omicron surge. May God surround you with protection, health, healing, and strength. Thank you for your understanding and willingness to shift our worship services to online-only this past Sunday. Circumstances forced us to make those decisions very late in the week, and the process was made easier knowing that our congregation has embraced the fluidity of these times.
The Board of Stewards met Monday night and decided to suspend all in-person activity through the end of January. Our Sunday morning worship services will stream just as they do every week at 9:00 am and 11:00 am. A list of other online opportunities is printed below.
I share in your disappointment and frustration that our progress is not linear, and we have to take a break from our in-person connections. However, projections about the longevity of this surge are shorter than we’ve experienced in the past. I am very hopeful that we will be back to in-person gatherings after just a few weeks. In the meantime, please pray for all of those contracting COVID, the medical personnel caring for our communities, and those who are most vulnerable. Check on one another and make sure we all remember we are cared for, supported, and loved. God is with you, and God’s grace is sufficient.
Gracefully, David
Online Opportunities for January:
Worship— Sundays 9 am and 11 am, Church website and Facebook page Essentials Reflection and Discussion–Wednesdays at 6:30 via zoom. As part of our worship series, we’ll have a weekly check-in and discussion about essentials to life and faith.
Sunday school (adult)–Several classes are meeting through zoom. If your class would like this opportunity, contact Brittany (
Pop Up Lunches–Each Thursday in January at Noon via Zoom. Just because we are apart doesn’t mean we have to eat alone.
Children’s Activities–video lessons and activities for children will be emailed to parents every Saturday. Links to these videos are also available on the church website.
Youth Activities–Zoom gatherings at 7 pm on Sundays. If you need a link for these meetings, contact Brandon (
Tuesday Prayers and Devotionals with the Pastors–Tuesdays at noon. Live-streamed on the church Facebook page.

Lesley Andrews
Posted in General