Safe Sanctuary Policies

Policy Definitions

Abuse:  Abuse is a non-consensual violation of, or an intentional threat to violate, a child or youth’s human or civil rights.  Abuse can include (but is not limited to) any of the following acts or omissions by any person who is entrusted with the child or youth’s care:

  • Physical Abuse is any deliberate act that inflicts bodily harm to a person beyond transitory red marks.
  • Sexual Abuse is any unwanted sexual contact with anyone or sexual contact of any sort with a minor.
  • Verbal Abuse is the forceful insulting or denouncement of another person characterized by underlying anger and hostility with the intent to harm the other person.
  • Neglect is the failure to provide nutrition or medical, surgical, or any other care necessary for the well-being of the child or youth.

Child/Youth: any child or youth aged 0 through 18 who is involved in activities coordinated by the FUMC Child/Youth Ministry Director.

Child/Youth Ministries: activities involving children/youth that are coordinated or planned by a Child/Youth Ministry Director.

Classroom: any room designated by a Child/Youth Director as one in which a child/youth ministry will take place.  The Child/Youth Director may designate a room as a youth or children’s classroom for an indefinite period of time or for a fixed time in order to accommodate  special activities.

Consent:  permission voluntarily given by a sufficiently competent person with information adequate to make an informed and deliberate decision.

Counseling Conversation: spiritual guidance or pastoral care offered to a child/youth including listening, encouragement and compassion about other situations.

Director: the paid FUMC staff member(s) who is (are) responsible for coordinating activities in the Children’s or Youth Ministry at FUMC.

Elementary-aged child: Children in Kindergarten through grade 6 or children who participate in Sunday School classes up through Sixth Grade.

Individual Guidance: situations in which a worker/volunteer has a one-on-one conversation with a child/youth about a situation involving abuse or a circumstance that has a potential for harm to the child/youth or another person.

Policy Administrator: the person designated by FUMC to enforce the Safe Sanctuary Policy in Child/Youth Ministries. The Church Director of Finance and Administration or such other person designated by the Board of Trustees shall serve as the Policy Administrator.

Preschool-aged child: Children aged 0 through 5, or who participate in Sunday School classes up to Kindergarten.

Reporter:  A person who knows of or suspects abuse or a policy violation and is, therefore, required to make a verbal and written report of the abuse or violation pursuant to this policy.

Rover: an adult supervisor who “floats” amid the elementary-aged child classrooms to ensure supervision when there is only one adult worker/volunteer constantly in the classroom.

Sexual contact: any act of sexual gratification involving the touching, directly or through clothing, of the sex organs, buttocks, or anus of a child or youth or the breast of a female Child or youth; encouraging the child or youth to touch the offender in a sexual manner; or requesting the offender to touch the child or youth in a sexual manner.

Sexual exploitation:  allowing, permitting, or encouraging participation or depiction of the child or youth in prostitution; obscene photography; or obscene filming; or obscenely depicting, posing, or posturing a child or youth for any use or purpose.

Short-Notice or Exceptional Situation Volunteer: persons who are needed to assist with a Child/Youth activity at the last minute or in an unplanned exceptional situation. These volunteers may not have completed the usual application process or have been pre-approved for supervision.  Special restrictions may apply to their participation.  See IV, B.

State Mandated Child Abuse Reporter:  childcare workers; daycare center workers; licensed nurses; medical personnel who may be engaged in admission, examination or treatment; mental health professionals; peace officers; physicians; school teachers, counselors, and officials; social workers; and clergy persons.

Supervise: to be responsible for the safety, well-being, or education of children/youth at FUMC.

Supervisor: a worker/volunteer responsible for the safety, well-being, or education of children/youth at FUMC

Unrelated: a person who is not a spouse, domestic partner, parent, child, or sibling.

Volunteer: anyone who has completed the volunteer application and has been approved by the Policy Administrator and Director to supervise children/youth at FUMC.

Worker: any paid FUMC staff person whose job description involves supervising children/youth in FUMC activities.

Youth: persons in grades 7 through 12, or who participate in the FUMC Youth group.



I. First United Methodist Church Facilities


 A. Applicability

  1. The following policies apply to all FUMC facilities used for Child/Youth Ministries. The policies also apply, as much as reasonably possible, to other facilities used by FUMC for Child/Youth Ministries.

B. Windows.

  1. Any classroom used for Child/Youth Ministries shall have at least one window (either in the walls or the door panel) that provides an unobstructed view into the room.
  2. In any classroom without a window, one door must remain open at all times, providing an unobstructed view into the room.

C. Door Locks, Codes, and Monitoring.


  1. Entry doors to classrooms containing children/youth shall be visually monitored by a worker/volunteer while children/youth are present, by one of the following methods:
    a. by monitoring two or more entry doors to classrooms where children/youth are present from a single area where all doors are visible; or
    b. by monitoring the entry door(s) to a classroom where children/youth are present from inside the classroom.
  2. Entry doors to classrooms containing children/youth shall be secured by lock, remote magnet system, or door code if the Director feels that such action is necessary after considering the risk of harm.
  3. If the Director decides that a door should be locked, the Director may also permit the door to be unlocked, provided a worker/volunteer constantly monitors the door.

D. Security Cameras.

  1. If desired and feasible, security cameras may be used to record one-on-one meetings between workers/volunteers and children/youth on FUMC premises. Notification of recording shall be made to all such participants.


II. First United Methodist Church Child/Youth Supervision Policies


A. Supervisors

  1. Two unrelated workers/volunteers must always be present in any classroom containing preschool-aged children who are participating in Child/Youth Ministries.
  2. In classrooms containing only elementary-aged child or youth who are participating in Child/Youth Ministries, there must be at least one worker/volunteer supervising the children and one unrelated adult “rover,” who supervises while moving in and out of the classroom.

B. Age Limits.

  1. No person under age eighteen shall be allowed to supervise children/youth unless another worker/volunteer who is over age eighteen is also supervising the children/youth.
  2. Any worker/volunteer must be at least five years older than the oldest child/youth they supervise.
    a. The Directors shall have the discretion to approve a supervisor who is less than five years older than the oldest child/youth in the activity in special circumstances, such as Vacation Bible School and the Summer Intern.

C. Bathroom Supervision Policies.

  1. A worker/volunteer must accompany a preschool-aged child to the bathroom.
  2. When helping a child use the bathroom in the preschool classroom with an attached bathroom, a worker/volunteer must keep the door open at all times.
  3. Before a preschool-aged child uses a bathroom outside the classroom, a worker/volunteer must enter before the child to ensure it is safe.
  4. Normally, a worker/volunteer shall not accompany the child into the bathroom stall.  However, if the child requires assistance in the bathroom stall, the stall door must remain open at all times.
  5. Elementary-aged child or youth do not have to be accompanied to the bathroom. However, if a worker or volunteer does accompany them, then the rules outlined above apply.

III. First United Methodist Church Volunteer Applications

A. Regular Volunteer Applicants.

  1. Anyone who wishes to supervise a Child/Youth Ministry at FUMC must first complete the FUMC Volunteer Application.
  2. The Application requires two character references and authorizes the FUMC Policy Administrator to run a criminal background check and child maltreatment check on the applicant. If an applicant refuses to provide references or authorize a background check, the applicant is disqualified from supervising Child/Youth Ministries at FUMC.
  3. The Director and Policy Administrator shall review each Application, check the references provided, and complete the background check before approving or disqualifying an applicant from supervising Child/Youth Ministries.
  4. An applicant shall not be automatically disqualified from supervising Child/Youth Ministries by any information on the Application. Some information may, however, warrant an interview with the Policy Administrator and/or Director to clarify the circumstances before approval to supervise is granted.
  5. Completed Applications shall be maintained in a locked file by the Policy Administrator and shall be kept entirely confidential.

B. Short-Notice or Exceptional Situation Applicants.

  1. Volunteers who are needed on short notice or for an exceptional situation and who have not previously filled out an Application may supervise Child/Youth Ministries only if the Director approves the volunteer.
  2. Volunteers who have not competed an Application shall not be allowed to be the only adults among the children/youth during the ministry.
  3. The Director or Policy Administrator must run a criminal background check on the volunteer as soon as possible (whether before, during, or soon after the Child/Youth Ministry)
  4. The volunteer shall complete an Application as soon as possible after the Child/Youth Ministry event has begun.

IV. First United Methodist Church Safe Sanctuary Policy Training

A. Annual Volunteer/Worker Training.

  1. All volunteer/workers in the Child/Youth Ministries who are in leadership positions, whether paid, volunteer, part-time, clergy, or lay must be trained about topics including, but not limited to: First United Methodist Church’s Safe Sanctuary policies; procedures used in child/youth activities; appropriate steps to report an incident of child abuse; and state requirements for recognizing and reporting child abuse. The Director may designate additional non-leadership positions for which this requirement applies.
  2. If a volunteer/worker who is in a leadership position refuses to attend the training, he or she shall not be permitted to supervising Child/Youth Ministries.
  3. All volunteer/workers must complete the Application and must consent to a criminal background check.

V. First United Methodist Church Initial Reporting Procedures

A. Reporting Requirements. A confirmed or suspected incident of abuse, or a confirmed or suspected violation of the FUMC Safe Sanctuary Policy, must be reported according to the procedures detailed in this policy.

  1. All state-mandated reporters, FUMC clergy, paid FUMC staff member, and volunteers at a Child/Youth Ministry must report abuse or a policy violation.

B. Incident Reports.

  1. Verbal Reports. A person who knows of or suspects abuse or a policy violation (Reporter) shall make a verbal report of the incident or suspected incident within 24 hours.  The verbal report should include all known facts relative to the incident of abuse or policy violation.  The Reporter shall make the verbal report to the following persons in this order:
    a. Director. The Reporter must notify the director or other FUMC staff person in charge of the activity at which the abuse or violation occurred (Director) unless that person is the accused.
    b. The Pastor. The Reporter must notify the Pastor of the incident (unless the Pastor is the accused).  The Director may, but is not required to, be present when this report is made.
    c. Law Enforcement. If mandated by law or otherwise appropriate, the Reporter must notify the legal authorities and/or appropriate protective services (Arkansas Child Abuse Hotline – 1-800-482-5964 – or Arkansas State Police.)  If possible, the Reporter should know where the child lives and with whom, the nature of the suspected abuse, witnesses to the abuse, and any other relevant information.
  2. Written Report. Within three days of the initial verbal report of the incident, the Reporter shall, in cooperation with the Director and the Pastor, make a written report on the FUMC Report of Suspected Incident of Child/Youth Abuse form.  The written report should include all known facts relative to the incident of abuse or policy violation including:
    a. The name of the person who reasonably suspects abuse has occurred and the date, time, and place of the suspected abuse.
    b. The alleged victim’s name, age, address, and date of birth.
    c. Documentation of conversations with the victim, if any. Only law enforcement and department of human services personnel are to interview the victim and the accused to avoid interference with law enforcement investigations.
    d. Name Of the person suspected of abuse and the date, time, and place of any conversation or any stamen made by the suspected abuser. Only law enforcement and department of human services personnel are to interview the victim and the accused to avoid interference with law enforcement investigations.
    e. Any action taken, g., removal of the suspected person from further contact with child or youth.
    f. Date and time of call to the Arkansas Child Maltreatment Hotline, name of the worker taking the report, the content of that conversation, and case number assigned.
    g. Date and time of call to law enforcement and/or medical care providers, if applicable, and the name of the officer/caregiver spoken to and content of that conversation.
    h. Date and time of any other contacts made regarding the suspected abuse.
    i. The Reporter and the Child/Youth Director shall each sign the report. .
  3. After the Director and Pastor are notified by the Reporter, the Pastor or Director shall notify the parents of the victim (unless the parent who would otherwise receive notification is the accused) as soon as reasonably possible if they have not already been notified.


D. Post-Report Response Procedures

  1. After any report (either verbal or written) of abuse or violation (actual or suspected) the Director shall eliminate contact between the alleged victim and accused person.
  2. If necessary and appropriate, the Pastor shall notify the alleged victim’s parent or guardian and FUMC’s legal counsel. The Pastor should tell FUMC’s legal counsel that an incident has occurred and ask for an immediate investigation into the alleged abuse or violation.
    a. If the Pastor is implicated in the abuse or violation, the Policy Administrator or the District Superintendent shall make the notifications.

E. Investigation

  1. After an incident of abuse or a policy violation is reported, an investigation shall ensue.  The lead investigator shall be the FUMC legal counsel, who must interview the accused, the victim, and witnesses and maintain documentation of the relevant facts about the incident.  The lead investigator shall be supervised by a supervisory committee consisting of the Pastor, the Director, and the Policy Administrator.  The supervisory committee shall ensure the confidentiality of the investigation and the propriety of methods used to investigate the matter.
  2. If the Pastor, Director, or Policy administrator is implicated in the abuse or violation, he or she shall not supervise. The other two supervisors shall appoint another member to the team.

F. Reasonable Cause Determination

  1. No Reasonable Cause. If the investigation reveals no reasonable cause to believe a violation or incident of abuse has occurred, the lead investigator shall compose a written report for the Pastor.  The written report shall preserve the identity, confidentiality, and privacy of the alleged victim, accused, and all witnesses identified and contacted; summarize the allegations; summarize the steps taken to investigate the allegations; state the post-investigation conclusion and the reasons supporting the conclusion; and state temporary actions taken and recommend additional actions to be taken.
  2. Reasonable Cause. If investigation reveals reasonable cause to believe a violation or an incident of abuse has occurred, the lead investigator shall compose a written report for the Pastor.  The written report shall preserve the identity, confidentiality, and privacy of the alleged victim, accused, and all witnesses identified and contacted; summarize the allegations; summarize the steps taken to investigate the allegations; state the post-investigation conclusion and reasons supporting the conclusion; and state temporary actions taken and recommend additional actions to be taken.
    a. The Policy Administrator shall send notice of a claim, or potential claim, to FUMC’s general liability insurance carrier and, if appropriate, the sexual misconduct liability insurance carrier as soon as possible. The insurance carrier should be provided with all necessary information while maintaining as much confidentiality as possible.
    b. The Director and Pastor shall determine the need for counseling of victims and/or witnesses.

VI. Individual Guidance Policies at First United Methodist Church

A. Applicability

  1. These policies apply to “individual guidance” situations in which a worker/volunteer has a one-on-one conversation with a child/youth about a situation involving abuse or potential harm to the child/youth or another person.
  2. These policies may also apply to other counseling conversations.

B. Open-Door and Visual Access.

  1. Individual guidance conversations involving a child/youth and a worker/volunteer shall be conducted in a room with an open door or an area that has unobstructed visual and physical access.
    a. Ideally, the conversation will be conducted at a time when others are nearby, even if they are not within listening distance.

C. Assessment & Possible Referral.

  1. When a child/youth seeks individual guidance, the worker/volunteer must determine initially whether they are qualified to address the needs effectively.
    a. If not qualified, the worker/volunteer shall refer the youth/child to a qualified professional.
    b. If so, the worker/volunteer may offer guidance, but should continue to assess the circumstances in later conversations and may later need to refer the youth to another source.

D. Documentation. Following each individual guidance conversation, the worker/volunteer shall document in writing the circumstances and topics of the conversation. The documentation should be maintained confidentially by the worker/volunteer or the Director, and should be used only as a resource for follow-up or as a validation if the conversation is ever questioned.

VII. First United Methodist Church Media Response Plan

a. Spokesperson

  1. The Pastor and/or Church Board shall designate Spokesperson (and a backup Spokesperson) when there is an allegation of abuse or policy violation. Unless otherwise designated, the Policy Administrator shall be designated the Spokesperson.

b. Communication with Media

  1. After a finding of reasonable cause to suspect abuse has occurred, the Pastor, Spokesperson, and legal counsel should draft a clear position statement describing FUMC’s abuse policy and the way it was implemented in the current situation. When drafting this statement, the privacy of the parties shall be respected and the highest level of confidentiality should be maintained.
  2. Only the Spokesperson shall speak on FUMC’s behalf with regard to the incident. All staff persons shall be instructed to direct media and public requests for information to the Spokesperson.  The Pastor and lead investigator shall ensure that the Spokesperson remains apprised as to all facts about the incident and developments occurring in the investigation.  If possible, the FUMC legal counsel should be present with the Spokesperson when dealing with the media.

c. Communication with Congregation

  1. The Senior Pastor, not the Spokesperson, shall communicate with the congregation about the incident. The Pastor should use his/her discretion in deciding what information to disclose about the incident and the investigation, but shall maintain the highest level of confidentiality at all times.

d. Confidentiality. The contents of all reports and records required in this policy shall be kept confidential. The Policy Administrator should keep a locked file containing the documentation of the incident.  Only the Policy Administrator and the Pastor shall have access to the reports.


VIII. Digital Gatherings and Communications

A. Digital Gatherings

  1. Church-sponsored digital gatherings of children or youth shall follow the same guidelines and principles as in-person gatherings. This includes having two unrelated adults participate in the digital gathering.
  2. Leaders must dress appropriately and set expectations for children and youth to also dress appropriately while attending virtual meetings. Some examples of inappropriate attire are visible undergarments or clothing with vulgar language
  3. Leaders must remain cognizant of their surroundings when conducting online meetings to make sure there are no inappropriate backgrounds or items visible in the room from which the leader is streaming. Some examples of inappropriate items are alcohol, smoking materials, or adult themed materials
  4. The Child/Youth Director must notify the parents or guardians of any inappropriate activity reasonably suspected to have occurred during a church-sponsored digital gathering of children or youth and must communicate all concerns about the propriety of online interactions.

B. Digital Communications

  1. Leaders should not take photos or post images or videos of children or youth without written parental permission.
  2. Postings and photos should not identify any children or youth by last name.
  3. Leaders should take care in all messaging, whether via group text or online messaging.
  4. Leaders should not use electronic communications to post or discuss sensitive topics, including those of a violent or sexual nature.
  5. A ministry staff member or volunteer working with children or youth should not have digital one-on-one interaction with any child or youth, including text messages, online chats, or via other technology means.
  6. If an adult subject to this policy receives an inappropriate communication from a child or youth, the adult must report the communication to the Child/Youth Director immediately and save the correspondence. If the Child/Youth Director receives the inappropriate communication from a child or youth, the Child/Youth director must immediately report the communication to the Director of Finance and Administration. If there is a reasonable suspicion of abuse, the person who received the communication or the report of such communication must report the incident to the Arkansas Child Abuse Hotline.