New Boy Scout Troop
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The Quapaw Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America is working to increase their diversity and inclusion for all youth and recognized a lack of youth program opportunities for kids that live in and around downtown Little Rock. Therefore, they have approached our church about hosting a new scout troop in our building (this is a slightly different arrangement than being a Chartering Organization). This means that as they start a new Cub Scout Troop this fall, they will be meeting in our church at least one night a week. This troop will recruit participants from several downtown schools including our partner school Washington Elementary. In the conversations with the Quapaw Area Council, our church’s Board of Trustees was pleased to hear that their values align with our church’s mission and value of inclusion as Boy Scouts are open to all boys and girls. They also maintain a rigorous background check and monitoring of all adults who work with the Scouts. We are grateful that Charles Feild, who has worked closely with the Boy Scouts for decades and currently serves on their Board of Directors, has agreed to be our church’s liaison to the troop. This is another exciting opportunity for our church to live out our mission of being good neighbors to make Little Rock a place where all God’s children THRIVE.

Lesley Andrews
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