Giving Center
Giving Center
You gifts empower First Church to fulfill God's vision of being good neighbors to make Little Rock a place where ALL God's children thrive.
You may always mail your gift to the church using the United States Postal Service at the address below:
First United Methodist Church
723 Center Street
Little Rock, AR 72201
Giving online has never been easier or more secure. Many of us don't carry cash or a checkbook anymore, but we do carry our smartphones.

Give Online
See below for our different online giving options. You may give to your yearly commitment, make an honorarium or memorial, or even give to a specific fund.

Electronic Funds Transfer
You can reinforce your commitment to give your tithes and offerings to God first, before anything else. This choice guarantees that the church will receive your gifts on a regular basis, even if you are out of town or forget one week. Not only is it easy, but it also saves the church 3% on finance charges in credit card fees.
My 2025 Commitment
To contribute to your yearly pledge, please press the button below. You may make a one-time payment or set up recurring payments.
Memorials & Honorariums
Place the amount you wish to donate in the field below. After clicking the Memorial or Honorarium button, please type the name of the person you are donating in Memory of in Honor of in appropriate blank.
Capital Campaign
To make a payment on your Campaign for Sacred Spaces Commitment, click the button below.
One-Time Gift
If you need to make a one-time gift, click the button below.
Ones for the Many
Each week all the $1 bills placed in the offering plate are donated to ‘Ones for the Many.’ These donations will go to support our friends and neighbors who visit us in need of prescriptions, state IDs, birth certificates, and a warm space in our Community Cafe. Your donations go directly back to our community. However, you may make any donation you wish to the fund by click the button below.
Special Event or Specific Fund
If you need to make a payment to a special event or wish to donate to a specific fund, please click the button below and fill in the appropriate fields.