Music and Worship Arts

The music ministry of FUMC strives to be a place for all. From children to adult there is a place for you.


Choirs, bells, bands, community outreach options, you need it, we have it. Along with a passion, we love to be ministers to our congregation. We are the music makers!

Chancel_Choir at First Church Downtown Little Rock

The Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is a non-audition choir that sings from mid-August until the following July in the 11:00 am worship service. Rehearsal is on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in the Choir Room. They sing all but one Sunday month from September until May. 

First_Word_Praise_Team at First Church Downtown Little Rock

First Word Praise Team

Adults may also participate in the First Word Praise Team, either as singers or as instrumentalists. This group serves throughout the year for the First Word Contemporary Service at 9:00 am in the Cokesbury Center. 

Center Street Ringers UMC Downtown Little Rock

Center Street Ringers

The Ministry of Music and Worship Arts is proud of our handbell ensemble Center Street Ringers, formally known as the Sanctuary Bells. This ensemble of handbell ringers is open to all youth and adults who do and do not read music! This group meets at 5:30 pm on Wednesday nights in room 250. Center Street Ringers play throughout the year and ring in all of our services.  Schulmerich and White Chapel bells are used.   

Acolyte at First Church Downtown Little Rock


Each year, children and adults are invited to attend acolyte training. Acolytes assist in worship during the 11:00 a.m. worship service and on religious holidays.  Learning how to serve the church is an honor and an important step in each child’s faith development.

Contact James Stanley at