Back to the Basics – Starting September 11th
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The last two and a half years have brought so much disruption to our lives. Even now, as we return to familiar patterns, we can’t fully return to what we consider normal. Maybe we’ve even forgotten what normal is. So, maybe we need to get back to the basics of life and rebuild from there.
This fall at FUMCLR, we’re going back to the basics. Each week in worship, we’ll focus on the basics of our Christian faith. These practices enrich our lives, draw us closer to Christ, and fuel our life’s journey; worship, prayer, study, serving, community, and generosity. With Romans 12 as our scriptural guide, we will rediscover the purpose of these basics and maybe find new ways to practice them. When these practices are our normal, we have a stronger foundation to create all the other parts of our lives, no matter what life brings our way.
Join us each Sunday, starting September 11 at 9:00 and 11:00 and get back to the basics.
September 11 Back to Worship
September 18 Back to Study
September 25 Back to Prayer
October 2 Back to Serving
October 9 Back to Community
October 16 Back to Generosity

Lesley Andrews
Posted in General