Adopt a Member

Physical separation does not have to mean social isolation. One of the ways we are caring for our faith community during this different time in our lives is through adopt a member. This effort seeks to connect those who are healthy and willing with those who are at greater risk. Specific needs will vary by individual and case to case, but generally the idea is to reduce feelings of isolation by nurturing a sense of community. Adoption could be as simple as regular phone calls and maintaining contact as best you can, or perhaps delivering a bag of groceries. We don’t want anyone to feel as though they are on their own during this time of social distancing.

There are two ways you can participate. One, volunteer to adopt someone or two, let me know you’d like to be adopted. I have a list of people who I think would appreciate this type of connection, but I may not know your particular circumstances so you might not be on my list. If that is the case, I’d love to hear from you.

If you would like to connected with someone from our church family in this fun and meaningful way, please let me know. We need each other all the time, and now more than ever. I’d love to hear from you, or 501-372-2256. – Donna

Donna Hankins

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