Our Leadership

2025 Leadership

Lay Leader: Stuart Mackey

Board of Stewards

Chair: Ginny McMurray

Vice Chair: Kelly Jackson

Secretary: Debbie Boyd

Lay Members to Annual Conference: Stark Ligon, Ginny McMurray, Liz Russell, Carol Roddy, Jessica Szenher

Chair of Stewardship and Finance: Fred Ursery

Chair of Board of Trustees: Roger Chinn

Chair of Staff Parish Relations Committee: John Bethel

United Women In Faith President: Carol Sherer

Three at Large Members: Joy Rockenbach, Scott Schallhorn, Eric Zenor

Lifetime Honorary Stewards: Bill Burton, Martha Faulkner, John Gill, Bill Lewis, Lynda Lewis, Sue Lewis, Bob Nelson, Martha Sowell, Craig & Nancy Wood, Kaye Burton, Pat Matthews